Call me a lemming...go ahead, I dare you.
On second thought, that wouldn't be very nice of you, so maybe you shouldn't call me such a name. But I'll admit - I am following...following other sailors jumping a seemingly fast-sinking blogship into what promises to be a much sounder vessel. Ah, what an image I've created... I've been accused of cussing like a sailor enough times, it just seemed fitting.
So here I am...
I'd like to thank Blue Ice Dave for the name suggestion. Sure, it might have come to me on its own - I think I'm quite clever - but in case it hadn't, I think he hit the nail on the head. Better hit the nail than hit me - he's a pretty serious softball player, & I'm sure he packs quite a wallop.
As for the current events, Doug & I have just returned from Mexico, & are feeling a bit of malaise, very likely related to that trip. Ugh. The trip was great, but I'm not feeling up to going into that just now. Maybe later. I will, however, spare you the details of said malaise....
Perhaps I should introduce Doug. Some of you know him, but others of you that have just stumbled across this page do not. Doug is my tremendously wonderful husband of almost 8 years. That is one of the few statements I can make without jamming my tongue into my cheek...or my foot into my mouth, for that matter. Doug rocks. We have so much fun that it should be illegal, but thank goodness that it's not.
On that note, ladies & gents, I must sign off of this very first post. I'm waiting for a terribly important phone call, & my bed is calling me.
Hey - I know it's early. Don't judge.
Drylands Marlborough 2023 Sauvignon Blanc
2 days ago
Yay, Claire is here! We're not lemmings, we just the cool people on the forefront of something new and better. Let ‘em say what they want…
I'm just thrilled that one of my favorite bloggers has joined the migration...Now we can look forward to your unique and wonderful take on life, wine, and a houseful of dogs. Congrats on your new blog.
Hei Claire
Lovely site you have in ere!
Keep so grand and do keep writing...
Rii :)))
Hey Claire,
I finally decided to do a blog specifically about wine. I called it Desperately Seeking Dionysus.
Hope your trip to Mexico was good.
Love the new site! Your picture looks great. Needless to say, I've added you to my blogroll.
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